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Student Mobility

Exchange Program – UKM

?? Exchange Program – UKM ?????? Dear all, Berikut kami sampaikan informasi pendaftaran exchange program ke Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia untuk Fall Semester 2022 (October-February) untuk mahasiswa S1: General Eligibility Requirement a. Registered as a full-time undergraduate student at home university. b. Have completed at least two academic semesters at home university. c. CGPA score: minimum […]

Pendaftaran Program The Outbound Semester Exchange (OSE)

Info Student Exchange Pendaftaran Program The Outbound Semester Exchange (OSE) untuk mahasiswa ITB Batch 2 telah dibuka! Periode pendaftaran ke Fakultas/Sekolah dimulai dari 1 Juni – 20 Agustus 2022 untuk selanjutnya akan diseleksi dan disampaikan ke IRO ITB dalam rentang 21 Agustus – 1 September 2022. Untuk detail program dapat dilihat melalui tautan ini https://partnership.itb.ac.id/semester-exchange/ […]

Pendaftaran Program Outbound Semester Exchange (OSE)

Salah satu tupoksi dari Biro Kemitraan, melalui Divisi Kemitraan Internasional (atau yang biasa disebut International Relations Office / IRO ITB), adalah melaksanakan dan mengkoordinasikan program mobilitas dan pendidikan global. Dalam hal ini, Biro Kemitraan telah membuka pendaftaran untuk program Outbound Semester Exchange (OSE) Batch 1 untuk mahasiswa ITB (baik level Sarjana, Magister, maupun Doktor) yang […]

Internship KAIST 2021

Internship KAIST 2021

Selamat kepada para mahasiswa Fisika ITB yang mengikuti program Internship to KAIST 2021. Berikut daftar mahasiswa Fisika yang terpilih dalam program tersebut. 1. Mulia Sujiastuti Wahyono (10218090) – Nanophotonics and Nonlinear Optics 2. Alifah Labiba (10218098) – Quantum & Nanobio Photonics 3. Albani Zhillan Abdullah (10218025) – Quantum Energy Device 4. Wulan Silvani Mulyasari (10218039) […]



Silahkan untuk berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan UM. UM memberikan kuota utk mahasiswa FISIKA ITB sebagai berikut: 1. Computational Fluids Mechanics: 5 mahasiswa 2. Geotourism in Malaysia: 20 mahasiswa 3. The Art of Humanity Science: 20 mahasiswa. Silahkan manfaatkan kesempatan ini dengan baik. Brochure ISM (1) Karst-based Geotourism in Malaysia 1
The International Youth Math Challenge 2021

The International Youth Math Challenge 2021

The International Youth Math Challenge (IYMC) is another international competition and one of our close partners. The competition structure is very similar and they too provide various certificates, prizes, and features. A great way to sharpen the mind of your students and to challenge them with creative math problems: Deadline The submission deadline of the [...]
Intership Program: Physics department of KAIST (South Korea) and Undergraduate Program in Physics ITB (Indonesia)

Intership Program: Physics department of KAIST (South Korea) and Undergraduate Program in Physics ITB (Indonesia)

The Physics department of KAIST and Undergraduate Program in Physics ITB would take the undergraduate internship program between KAIST and ITB for this year in a manner online. Schedule of three weeks is 10/25 (Mon) ~ 11/12 (Fri). An internship program scheme of the following contents: – Two or three-week-long online internship – Matching the […]

Osaka University: Online Study Fair for Indonesia

Osaka University: Online Study Fair for Indonesia

Please be informed that Osaka University will hold “Online Study Fair for Indonesia”. We would be grateful if you could inform the event to students and collaborators who might be interested. [Date and time]: Saturday, June 26, 2021; 13:00-14:30 (Indonesia Time) [Method]: Online (ZOOM) [How to apply] ・Please use the QR code on the attached […]