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Recent Progress & Development of SiC-based Ceramic Material for Structural Applications

Recent Progress & Development of SiC-based Ceramic Material for Structural Applications

SEMINAR FISIKA ITB Senin, 25 Oktober 2021, 11.00 WIB Pada Seminar Fisika ITB kali ini kami mengundang Pemateri dari Alumni Fisika ITB, yaitu: Pipit Fitriani, Ph.D. Pusat Penelitian Nanosains dan Nanoteknologi KK Fisika Material Elektronik FMIPA ITB Tema: Recent Progress & Development of SiC-based Ceramic Material for Structural Applications Abstrak: Ceramics are an incredibly diverse […]

Webinar Psikologi

Webinar Psikologi

Prodi mengundang untuk hadir pada acara “Webinar Psikologi” yang akan dilaksanakan: Hari/ tanggal : Sabtu/ 16 Oktober 2021 Jam : 09.30-11.30 Agenda : Webinar Psikologi, “Merenungi Hubungan Kesempatan dan Tantangan: Menjadi Kuat Mulai Hari Ini” Narasumber : Yanti Rubiyanti, M.Psi. Tempat : Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86715441981?pwd=aUV0N1JDaWc4SG1IWS8reEp1Ym5aZz09 Meeting ID: 867 1544 1981 Passcode: 288728 Mahasiswa diwajibkan untuk […]

Moving particle semi-implicit simulation on the molten Wood’s metal downward relocation process

Moving particle semi-implicit simulation on the molten Wood’s metal downward relocation process

SEMINAR FISIKA ITB Pemateri: Dr. Asril Pramutadi Andi Mustari KK Fisika Nuklir dan Biofisika FMIPA Institut Teknologi Bandung Tema: Moving particle semi-implicit simulation on the molten Wood’s metal downward relocation process Abstract: In the case of a severe accident involving nuclear reactors, an important aspect that should be considered is the leakage of molten material […]

Intership Program: Physics department of KAIST (South Korea) and Undergraduate Program in Physics ITB (Indonesia)

Intership Program: Physics department of KAIST (South Korea) and Undergraduate Program in Physics ITB (Indonesia)

The Physics department of KAIST and Undergraduate Program in Physics ITB would take the undergraduate internship program between KAIST and ITB for this year in a manner online. Schedule of three weeks is 10/25 (Mon) ~ 11/12 (Fri). An internship program scheme of the following contents: – Two or three-week-long online internship – Matching the […]

The 9th Asian Physics Symposium – APS 2021

The 9th Asian Physics Symposium – APS 2021

The 9th Asian Physics Symposium – APS 2021 (Selasa-Rabu/ 5-6 Oktober 2021) #Online Virtual Conference #Deadline abstrak: 13 Agustus 2021 #Deadline full paper: 10 September 2021 Biaya Registrasi: Rp. 2.000.000 (early bird)/ Rp. 2.500.000 (normal rate) early bird: sebelum 23 Agustus 2021 Paper yang diterima setelah melalui proses review akan diajukan untuk dipublikasikan dalam Prosiding […]