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International Virtual Course (IVC24-111)

International Virtual Course (IVC24-111)
Fundamentals and Technology of Advanced Materials
August 5th – 16th, 2024

Undergraduate program in Physics FMIPA ITB presents 3 credit units in this course. Advanced materials are envisioned as a crucial component of technological innovation, enabling better performance and higher value. This course covers the principles of advanced materials and their applications in modern technology. Participants will explore various types of advanced materials and their superior functional properties. The course also delves into computational design, synthesis, and characterization methods, as well as the utilization of advanced materials in various device applications. Conducted in an online format, the course includes lectures, discussions, workshop sessions, homework, and evaluations. By the end of the course, participants will gain fundamental knowledge in the field of advanced materials and understand their significant impact on modern technology applications.

Welcome for any student.

Link: https://fi.itb.ac.id/IVC24-111

Registration: https://admission.itb.ac.id/registration/nonreguler/ivc
(June 1st – July 29, 2024)


Please submit your choice for the type of participation as followings:

  1. For ITB students and overseas students must register through ITB International Virtual Courses (ITB-IVC) for Fundamentals and Technology of Advanced Materials course 2024 as explained here: for ITB studentsfor overseas students. The overseas students can participate via online platform (Zoom virtual meeting). The participant can receive a certificate and 3 credit units for FI3231 Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Material Elektronik (Synthesis and Characterizations of Electronic Materials )
  2. For non-ITB students from Indonesian universities, you can receive a certificate participation with notification of final score and curriculum units (to be claimed for credit earning or MBKM credits by yourself to your university). To whom willing to participate in ITB IVC program, please click here for registration info in detail.

Link for ITB International Virtual Courses (ITB-IVC) : https://admission.itb.ac.id/info/


The registration of ITB students will be returned after the course ends.

ITB Lecturers:
Prof. Toto Winata
Dr.rer.nat. Akfiny Hasdi Aimon
Pipit Fitriani, Ph.D.
Dr. Shibghatullah Muhammady

Guest Lecturers:
Dr. Dan Daniel (KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
Prof. Andrivo Rusydi (NUS, Singapore),
Prof. Lidya Wong (NTU, Singapore)
Dr. Stevin Pramana (Newcastle University, UK)
Dr.Eng. Muhammad Syafrudin (Sejong University, South Korea)
Prof. Irzaman (IPB)
Dr. Osi Arutanti (BRIN)
Dr. Ibnu Syuhada (Yayasan Cahaya Putra Ilmu)
Dr. Erik Bhekti Yutomo (Universitas Dipenogoro)
Dr. Ahmad Fauzi (Pusat Penelitian Kelapa Sawit – Riset Perkebunan Nusantara)
Dr.Eng. Aditya Farhan Arif (Mining Industry Indonesia)

Course Syllabus: click here

Course Schedule: click here

What will you get:
# Course Certificate
# Course Transcript (equivalent for 3 credit units)

For more information:
dhewa@itb.ac.id (Dr. Dhewa Edikresnha)