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Admissions for Undergraduate Program in Physics

Admissions for Undergraduate Program in Physics

ITB uses SNMPTN and SBMPTN to receive new undergraduate students in all Faculties and Schools.

To get an overview of the SNMPTN, please visit the official SNMPTN website (http://snmptn.itb. ac.id).

To obtain information about the SBMPTN, please visit the official SBMPTN website (http://sbmptn.itb.ac.id).

For further information, please visit our university official admission page: http://usm.itb.ac.id

ITB Education Directorate Service
Gd. CCAR ITB lt. 4, Jl. Tamansari no. 64 Bandung 40116
Telp./Fax. : 022-2530689, 022-2508519
E-mail: usmitb@pusat.itb.ac.id