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Curriculum and Syllabus of Undergraduate Program in Physics

Curriculum and Sylabus of Undergraduate Program in Physics

We have total of 144 credits in our undergraduate program.

First Semester

 KodeNama Mata KuliahSKS
1MA1101 Mathematics IA4
2FI1101Elementary Physics IA4 (1)
3KI1101General Chemistry IA3 (1)
4KU1101Indonesian Language: Scientific Writing2
5KU1160Introduction to Mathematics and Natural Sciences2
6KU1102Introduction to Computation3

Second Semester

 KodeNama Mata KuliahSKS
1MA1201Mathematics IIA4
2FI1201Elementary Physics IIA4 (1)
3KI1201General Chemistry IIA3 (1)
5KU1202Introduction to Engineering and Design3

Third Semester

 KodeNama Mata KuliahSKS
1FI2101Mathematical Physics IA4
2FI206XReligion and Ethics2
4FI2103Electronics4 (2)
5FI2104Data Processing and Analysis2

Fourth Semester

 KodeNama Mata KuliahSKS
1FI2201Mathematical Physics IIA4
2FI2202Electromagnetic Fields4
3FI2203Modern Physics4
4KU2071Pancasila and Civic Education2
5FI2204Measurement Methods2
6FI2205Experimental Physics I2 (2)

Fifth Semester

 KodeNama Mata KuliahSKS
2XXXLINGEnvironmental Compulsory Courses2
3FI3102Quantum Physics4
5FI3104Experimental Physics II2 (2)

Sixth Semester

 KodeNama Mata KuliahSKS
1FI3201Computational Physics3 (1)
2FI3202Fluid Mechanics3
3FI3203Statistical Physics3
4XXMANJManagement Compulsory Courses2
5FI3204Experimental Physics III2 (2)

Seventh Semester

 KodeNama Mata KuliahSKS
1FI4001Solid State Physics3
2FI4002Simulation and Modelling of Physics Systems3
3FI4003Problem Solving in Physics2
4FI4091Final Project I3 (3)

Eighth Semester

 KodeNama Mata KuliahSKS
1FI4004Nuclear and Particle Physics3
2FI4005Scientific Communication3
3FI4092Final Project II3 (3)

Elective Courses

 KodeNama Mata KuliahSKSRekomendasi Semester Pengambilan
1FI2161Capita Selecta Earth Physics and Complex System33
2FI2211Special Theory of Relativity24
3FI2221Science and Technology of Optics and Magnetics24
5FI2261Physics of Volcanoes and Geothermal Systems34
6FI2271Instrumentation System34
7FI3111General Theory of Relativity25
8FI3121Photonics Theory and Applications25
9FI3131Material Science and Engineering25
10FI3141Nuclear Application and Instrumentation25
11FI3151Physics of Radiology25
12FI3171Microcontroller and Digital Instrumentation25
13FI3091Internship2 (2)6
14FI3092Independent Study2 (2)6
15FI3211Advanced Quantum Physics26
16FI3212Group Theory and Symmetry in Physics26
17FI3221Material Characterizations26
18FI3231Synthesis and Characterizations of Electronic Materials36
19FI3241Reactor Physics36
20FI3242Nuclear Fuel Management26
21FI3251Dosimetry and Radiation Protection26
22FI3252Electrophysiology and Bioenergetics26
24FI3271Network-Based Instrumentation26
25FI4011Selected Topics in Theoretical Physics37
26FI4051Selected Topics on Biophysics and Medical Physics37
27FI4121Synthesis and Physical Properties of Materials as well as their Functionalizations37
28FI4131Electronic and Optoelectronic Devices37
29FI4141Thermal Hydraulics and Nuclear Safety27
30FI4161Electromagnetic Methods27
31FI4171Computation and Smart Instrumentation System27
32FI4041Special Topics on Nuclear Physics28
33FI4221Selective Topics in Physics of Magnetism and Photonics28
34FI4231Selected Topics on Electronic Materials38
35FI4261Physics of Rocks and Porous Media28
36FI4271Special Topics in Instrumentation Physics28